Everyone’s Birthday Party!
Everyone’s Birthday Party!
Saturday, January 14th, 2023 at 5:00PM!
*Must Bring Gift To Participate In Gift Exchange. See gift guidelines below.
Volunteers Needed:
We need volunteers to provide food for the potluck dinner. Needed food items are:
- six (6) meat dishes
- twelve (12) side dishes
Beverages and Desserts will be provided. Please see a Event Planning Committee Member for food signup.
Gift Guidelines:
- To participate in the gift exchange, you must bring a gift. Gifts must not cost more than $10.
- There are three age groups for gifts: Kids, Tweens, and Adults. Each person exchanging a gift should bring a gift for his or her own age group.
- Kids and tween gifts should be unisex and must not be gag gifts.
- Gifts for the adults can either be a gag / silly gift or a good gift. It is most fun if there is an equal mixture of both good and gag / silly gifts. Part of the fun is not knowing if you got something good or silly.
- Be creative with your wrapping! Feel free to wrap your gift as nicely and ornately or as horribly as you want! The fun is guessing what it might be!
- Don’t label your gift as for a man or woman. This is all part of the game!
- Gifts will be opened at the end of the gift exchange game!